Blog on Economics, Artificial Intelligence, and the Future of Work

OECD Future of Work Fellowship

I’m pleased to announce that I’ve been selected as one of three OECD Future of Work Fellows. The Fellowship Award is part of my Doctoral research; here’s an overview of my research project:

AI adoption rates will determine the impacts of AI on labour markets. If AI adoption accelerates, then labour tasks are more likely to be automated or augmented. Therefore, workers will need to transition between jobs and acquire new skills to meet new labour demands. 

This research will develop a methodology to measure the temporal similarities between sets of skills from real-time job ads data. This will be applied for two purposes. Firstly, by creating a leading indicator of AI adoption by measuring the temporal similarities between a set of top AI skills and sets of top skills from standardised industries in Australia and New Zealand (ANZ). Secondly, this research will measure the temporal similarities between standardised occupations in ANZ. This will enable the normalised ‘distance’ between occupations to be measured at the granular skills level, which identifies optimal transition paths from one occupation to another.

Feel free to get in touch if you want to learn more!